His rapid rise to power has given him a near-mythic status in the industry. 他迅速升任要职,这让他在业界近乎被神化了。
The group celebrated the regime's rise to power in 1979. 这个集团庆祝该政府于1979年上台执政。
We are lucky to have returned to the motherland under "One Country, Two Systems" at the time of her rise to power. 香港在国家走向盛世的背景下回归到祖国的怀抱,实行“一国两制”,是我们香港人的幸运。
Adolf Hitler had the whip hand over the German people and the government after his spectacular rise to power in the1930s. 阿道夫特勒在20世纪30年代引人注目地上台后,就凌驾于德国人民和政府之上。
In his spiritual home, havana, Allende received an ecstatic welcome befitting the first head of a Latin American country to visit Cuba since castro's rise to power. 阿连德在他精神上的故乡哈瓦那受到了作为卡斯特罗上台以来第一位访问古巴的拉美国家首脑所应得到的盛大欢迎。
The film tells anew the story of his rise to fame and power. 这部影片再度叙述了他成名与得势的故事。
His rise to power was very sudden. 他的掌权很令人意外。
His rise to power herald the end of the liberal era 他的掌权预示著自由主义时代的结束
The political isolation of the Chinese merchant-industrial class is best characterized by the events of the1920's during the rise of Chiang Kai-shek to power. 二十年代蒋介石上台时所发生的事情,最能说明中国资产阶级在政治上的孤立。
Whether China will rise sharply to be a great power or not depends on whether China can establish and carry out right geo-strategy or not. 中国能否真正崛起为世界强国,取决于中国能否制定和实施正确的地缘战略。
China's rise to power is probably the single most important trend of our lifetime. 中国力量的崛起,或许是我们这一生中所目睹的一个最重要情势,她正在改变这个世界。
Why do the Malfoys look so unhappy with their lot? Is my return, my rise to power, not the very thing they professed to desire for so many years? 为什么马尔福一家那么不高兴呢?我的回归,我重新掌权,不正是他们这么多年来一直公开宣称所期望的吗?
His eleventh hour rise to power surprised many people. 他的最后升官当权,令人惊讶。
His rise to power is briefly sketched in the first two chapters. 他得势掌权的经过在头两章里作了简单的描述。
Probably the most important American case involving the act of state doctrine was the case resulting from Castro's rise to power in Cuba in1960. 涉及司家主权原则最为重要的案例就是1960年卡斯特罗执政占巴所引发的案例。
Four years later, Adolph Hitler came to power in Germany. This organisation began with the rise to power of Hitler in 1993. 4年后,阿道尔夫-希特勒在德国掌权。1933年希特勒上台后,这个组织就成立了。
They are perhaps more guilty than some of the others, for they had attained maturity long before Hitler's rise to power. 他们的罪孽比其他人可能还要重,因为在希特勒上台以前就这样操作。
The creation of people like Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein has got more to do with politics as followers of current affairs will know, especially when their rise to power is examined. 熟悉时事的人都知道,奥萨马和胡申等人能够掌握权力,政治是主要的原因。
Throughout all the school drama, however, the obvious darkness of Voldemort's impending rise to power is always apparent. 然而在整部电影里,伏地魔力量即将崛起的黑暗显而易见。
This organisation began with the rise to power of Hitler in 1993. She was rushed offstage while the organizer of a post-pageant news conference called for aid. 1933年希特勒上台后,这个组织就成立了。她被迅速抬到后台,赛后记者会组织人呼叫救护人员。
The year during with Voldemort began his rise to power is given as circa 1970. Since when does anyone trust Voldemort to make an honest offer? 伏地魔势力的兴起的年代大约在1970年。啥时候有人开始相信伏地魔讲真话啦?
Turner thought that they might reveal something about the power struggle immediately before Hitler's rise to power, so he asked a colleague doing research in Moscow to photocopy some of the letters. 特纳想,这些信件有可能会透露出希特勒登上权力宝座前夕的权力之争,于是他请正在莫斯科进行研究的一位同事复印了这些信件中的一部分。
The overall implementation of Chinese villagers 'self-governing has led to the disintegration of the power structure in the rural areas, which subsequently gives rise to the power struggle. 中国村民自治制度的全面实施导致了农村村级权力结构的分化,而权力分化的必然结果就是权力间的斗争。
Strong demand of community greatly gives rise to the thriving of power semiconductor technology and microelectronics technology. 社会的强大需求极大的促进了功率半导体技术与微电子技术的迅速崛起。
The factors such as the regional power grid interconnection and the system voltage level rise, insulator flashover harm to power system is increasing. 加上区域性电网的互联、系统电压等级的升高等因素,绝缘子污闪对电力系统的危害越来越大。
Early human society as the low level of productive forces, need to unite together to form a human society, in social life, political life has created some, giving rise to political power. 早期的人类社会由于生产力水平的低下,需要团结在一起,形成了人类的社会生活,在社会生活中又产生了政治生活部分,从而产生了政治权力。
To nurture talent, build a good environment for the development of the digital visual arts, is the rise to power our digital visual arts go. 培育人才,建设一个适合中国数码视觉艺术发展的良好环境,就是我们中国的数码视觉艺术未来要走的崛起之路。
In recent years, with the rapid development of Industry, high-power nonlinear loads is increasing. The impact on grid and harmonic pollution are showed that is a rising trend, giving rise to a variety of power quality problems. 近年来,随着现代工业发展趋势的日益变快,不平衡非线性负荷也随之增多,电网电能质量和谐波治理的问题呈不断上升趋势,因此这方面的问题被不断提出。
The America 'rise to a great power in more than 200 years has fully shown that in additional to "hard powers" such as economy, politics and military, the communication of education and culture is of great value to enhance the global influence of America. 美国200多年的大国崛起之路,充分显示了除经济、政治、军事等硬实力之外,教育文化传播对提升美国世界影响力的重要价值。
But, wind power is a kind of typical randomness and intermittent energy which gives rise to huge impact on power grid and reduces the quality of the output voltage. This is the bottleneck of restricting wind power development. 风能是典型的随机性和间歇性能源,风电并网会给电网带来巨大冲击,影响电网的稳定运行,使输出电压的质量降低,因而成为制约风电发展的瓶颈。